Saturday 20 April 2013

This Is Why You're My Best Friend

We’re best friends because you get it. I’m not sure what that means  but whatever it is, you have it. I don’t need to explain anything to you or worry if you’ll get the joke. You already got it and are on your way to making the next one.
We’re best friends because you love me even when I’m terrible, sad and my most psychotic self (you are the only one who has seen that side of me). It’s easy to love someone when they’re doing well, it’s easy when there’s nothing but happiness. The real challenge comes when everything is crap. You’re not a fun person to be around, when you are a mess, shouting your lungs out and vowing to kill people. But you don’t care. Even when I want to just shut myself up, you’re still down to get a sandwich and french fries with me and talk about boys.
We’re best friends because you don't judge me. I can share anything with you and you will understand my reasoning. You understand my craziness when I fly off the handle. You pick me up after I fall (after you have had a good laugh). You are my anchor and I know I can rely on you even if the world has turned it's back on me. 
We’re best friends because you never make me uncomfortable. I have never felt unsure about you. That is a big thing, at least for me. You know I am not very sure about many things in my life. Many people have come in my life and gone, but not you. You stayed and I know you will always stay. You are the only constant and colorful part of my ever changing dark and moody world. I always know that you make sense and that this makes sense.
We’re best friends because we can go for long stretches of time without talking and it won’t damage the relationship. We always pick up where we left off. Surfaces changes mean nothing to us. 
We’re best friends because you don’t get resentful or jealous 
You’re my best friend because you’re not afraid disagree with me. I can’t get away with anything when I’m with you. You’ll tell me things that I need to hear but everyone else is too afraid to tell me. Your honesty is so refreshing albeit a bitter pill to swallow sometimes.
We’re best friends because you make feel less alone in this psycho, fake world. It’s amazing how often you can feel disconnected from people. It’s amazing how many people can betray you, or fail to understand the words that are coming out of your mouth. When I see you, it’s a burst of reassurance that I’m not the only who looks at the world this way. There’s someone else. And that someone is you.

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