Tuesday 3 December 2013

Finding Acceptance

I truly believe, that only once in our life we come across someone who turns our world upside down, someone who has such a profound impact on you that you can never be the same again. In that sudden flash of realization we dare to be brave and see that love costs everything we are and everything we ever will be. We change so much for the sake of that one person. I changed so much for the sake of that one person. I found myself sharing my deepest desires, goals I could never achieve, my dreams and hopes for the future and all the disappointments life had thrown at me. I was surprised that I had so much hidden inside me. I was a better person then. I am a different person now. With you everything seemed colourful, insignificant things like a song, a note, a walk were invaluable treasures. Laughter seemed a part of daily life. The daily phone calls helped me to get through the long day and made me smile. It is because of you that today I have the confidence that I can paint. I had lost confidence in myself but your encouragement and faith made me take up art again. I was content having you in my life. But you were not and I failed to notice it. This discord and ruin of what was once a beautiful friendship and relationship happened because I couldn't accept what had happened. I had forgotten that I was free to chose but not free enough to escape the consequences of my choice. I was blocked from taking that next step in life because I just refuse to accept everything that had happened.
There is a fine line between love and dysfunction, a distinct difference between passionate and crazy. It is important that we learn to find acceptance. To accept who we are as a person, acceptance of the situation, acceptance of the fact that change is the only constant force in our life. We can only grow when we learn to accept. What we want may not always be what we need.  Accept that everything you love won’t always love you back. Accept that sometimes when you give, you’re giving to somebody who doesn’t know how to receive. They reject you out of their own neglect. I am learning to accept it slowly and allowing myself to open up to new experiences. 
Sometimes the things I am forced to accept cause me pain but its not the end of the world. I have realised that dwelling on certain things won’t do anything but make bad situation worse.Coming to terms with the loss or your situation simply means that you have admitted what has happened and moved on with your life. Acceptance and coming to terms with what happened between us does not mean that I have forgotten you, that I have forgotten what we were to each other. That can never happen. New love does not erase old scars, it does not change the real 'you'. I am still me and I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality, I'd find you and I'd choose you.  

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