Friday 31 October 2014

French Lover

There is only one word that comes to my mind if I have to describe 'French Lover'- VAGUE.
Written by Taslima Nasrin, French Lover, is a story of a young, spirited girl's search for independence and love in a foreign land. Nilanjana or Nila as she is often called in the book, is a Bengali girl from Kolkata. She moves to Paris after she marries Kishan Lal, a restaurant owner. However, she feels trapped and suffocated in her loveless marriage and yearns for independence. Nila is nothing more than a housekeeper and sex object for her old husband. Finally, when she cannot take it anymore she stages a petulant walk-out.Friendless and broke, Nila moves in with Danielle. It turns out that Danielle is a lesbian, who uses Nila as a tool just like her husband.

Unable to make much of herself and her life, Nila is suddenly called back home because her mother is dying. After her mother's death Nila has the option of staying back in Kolkata or return to her aimless life in Paris. She chooses the latter and she meets Benoir Dupont on the flight. She is immediately swept of her feet by this handsome french man as he introduces her to the various cafes, bookstores and art galleries of Paris. A whole new world has been opened for Nila and she finds herself falling in love with Dupont. Nila finally comes to discover her own desires in this liberating and passionate relationship.However the relationship ends when Nila realizes that Benoir's first priority is himself and not Nila. Her need of him has ended because her journey to self-discovery has just begun. This is the summary of the novel in a nutshell. The blurb leads one to expect that French Lover is fascinating glimpse into the workings of a woman's mind, her struggle to come to terms with her own identity, a woman's attempt to come to terms with a foreign culture. Unfortunately, the book is nothing like it. 

The most dominant feeling that I experienced while reading this novel was: a sense of loss, a vague, confused feeling. It was natural because as one reads the novel, it is evident that Nila, herself, is confused and extremely difficult to understand. In one part of the book Nila is portrayed as a shy, docile young girl who is only just coming to terms with a broken love affair. She judges people on the basis of their skin colour and talks in a friendly way with the whites. On the other hand, Nasrin also shows her as a educated woman with a degree in Bengali Literature. She is well-read with a keen interest in Philosophy. Nila has supposedly read Voltaire and various other American and Indian authors. In spite of being well-read, Narin's protagonist comes across as a very confused, narrow-minded and high-handed person. 

French Lover is often termed as a feminist novel but I found it disappointing. Nila comes across as rebel who is not sure what her cause is. She is invariably selfish, unreflective, confused and extremely impulsive. She inspires very little sympathy and absolutely no curiosity. The novel also has several cross-cultural insights but they too are stereotypical, shallow and repetitive. 

French Lover is more about the author's interpretation of masculinity and the male mindset. The translation is pedestrian and banal. It has nothing to offer readers who are looking for serious feminist literature. 

This was the first book I read by Taslima Nasrin and I was disappointed. 

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